Marthoma College of Management and Technology (MCMAT), Perumbavoor along with Laurels School of Management Indore, organized a National Level Inter-Collegiate Debate Competition “SCINTILLENTIA 2011” on 19th November, 2011.
The prizes were distributed by Rt. Rev. Thomas Mar Timotheos Episcopa and Shri. John M Chacko, Director, Laurel’s School of Management, Indore.
The best team, Mar Ivanious College, Trivandrum, was presented with Shri. K. M Chacko Memorial Ever Rolling Trophy and also individual trophies. The cash prizes for the three top best debaters were Rs.10,000, Rs.5000, Rs.3000 and consolation prizes of Rs 2,000 each for 4th and 5th positions. All the winning debaters received merit certificate and were eligible for participation certificate.
Marthoma College of Management and Technology
Asramam Campus, Perumbavoor, Ernakulam, Kerala, India 683 542
Phone No:- +91-9961775991 Mobile:- +91-9388616626